Saturday, October 1, 2011

Hawaiian Shirt Bonanza!

Sometimes I just get lucky. At the thrift shops around here Hawaiian shirts are usually few and far between. I don't know if it's because so few donate them or if they sell before I get to them. This is the midwest after all. The thrift shop across the street from me (my favorite because I can walk there) was having a sale on mens short sleeve shirts because the season is over. Not only that but someone apparently just donated a bunch of Hawaiian shirts because I was able to buy ten of them.

I love the patterns and I love how they look as pillow covers. I've made a few out of the shirts I was able to find before, like this one

The one I really loved though was this one:

So, the next week or so I'll be making these shirts into pillow covers, if one of the patterns catches your eye let me know. I'll be glad to reserve it for you when it's finished.