Saturday, July 5, 2008

Ideas from My Readers

You remember that barbeque I mentioned in my last post? Well, it was also my grandson's birthday. Which has very little to do with what happened. as I was getting ready to leave, I fell on my daughters back steps and broke my wrist. So, no more crafting for me for awhile. What I am going to do here, though is go through the comments and copy and paste some of the good ideas my readers have mentioned.

On using plarn, Kathie says: "have made mats to clean your feet on, scrubby pads for washing dishes, market bags, and more."

On driving Cay says"If I have several stops to make, I try to make a circle and that takes me out and brings me home again." and Kelly says "I went out and picked myself up a new backpack and put air in my bike tires. Now if it is just a quick trip in town (I live in a fairly small one) I take my bike and leave the car at home. I've also slowed down the same way you have."

Linda's idea for using plastic bottles " I was given a large terra cotta pot for flowers recently. They get heavy once you fill them with soil so, I plan on taking some plastic bottles I found and filling up half the large pot with them. Then I'll fill up the rest of the pot with soil. This is a good way to reuse those plastic bottles and will make it easier on the back when moving that pot around."

Quiltmac says "My personal "green" thing is using vinegar instead of chemical weed killer. It's wonderful especially on a hot sunny day, cooks those weeds!!!"

Jen's green thing "I stopped buying bottled water in bottles, now buying it in the Gallon size and using a sports thermos for my water all day. Not only am I going green, but I'm saving a little bit of money too."

Sonya has a good idea too "I like to stuff the toys I knit with plastic bags. It gives them a great crinkly sound. I does make them surface washable only."

On other ideas for brown paper bags from Libby "I use the paperbags for draining grease off of thing that I have deep fried, THe brown bags can also be cut up for wrapping paper or put down for a weed barrier"

Do you have an idea you would like to share? Just leave a comment!

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