Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Green Bags (Contest)- Winners!!

The contest is closed. Wow, I had 60 entries! That's awesome, I'll definitely make more green bags and have another contest soon. I'm making some for family and friends right now. I just bought another 4 yards of fabric ($1 at the thrift shop) to make more, as if I didn't have enough fabric! So watch the blog for the next contest!
The Winners are:
Please leave a comment with your email addy and address (It will not be made public, don't worry, I'll be the only one seeing it) and I will email you when I mail your bag. If you came here through YahooGroups or Ravelry you can contact me there.
First off, you have to visit the Green Bag Lady, she's been giving away green bags for grocery shopping but is getting overwhelmed and needs help! She has posted a link to her pattern on the sidebar of her blog. If you can sew, they take hardly anytime at all, I've made two already in less than an hour. I gave the first one to my daughter and this one is for me. I already have a bag I bought but I can always use another one. So this will be an effort to save the earth or at least keep a few animals from choking on plastic bags.
I have three more of these bags cut out from this (recycled, not sure what it was but I bought the pieces at a thrift shop) fabric that I want to give away. So who should I give them to? I don't have the money or the time to do what the Green Bag Lady does but I can help. I will give away three grocery bags to three of my readers. I guess we're going to call this a contest. Just leave a comment and I will chose three to win the bags. If this goes well I may do it more often depending on when I have time to make more bags. This contest will close on my next day off which should be next Tuesday, June 17. Please check back to see if you won.


SandyQuilts said...

I've been meaning to make some bags .... daylight flies by. Please enter me. THANKS. I'm off to visit the green lady.

Perry said...

Please enter me... I don't sew, and I'd love to forgo the plastic!


Unknown said...

I truly enjoyed reading your blogs and have learned a lot. Thank you. I knew I saved all of those plastic bags for something. As soon as I finish this comment, I am off to start cutting them and will try my luck at making some tote bags.
Please enter me into the drawing for the green bags. I really have to confess that I have not done all I can in helping to save our enviornment like I should, but thanks to you (and I am going to visit the green lady next) I am hoping I can learn more of what I personally can do. Thank you again.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely idea the Bag Lady has. I would love to receive one
of the bags, to give with a lapghan
to someone on my church. Thank
you for sharing your talent with

Vicki said...

Your creativity is just never ending, as is your generosity. What a great idea, Deb!

Vicki said...

OH this is fun! thanks so much Marion

Anonymous said...

I admire what you are doing. I wish I could sew well enough to help. Keep up the good work and I love your blog.

Julie said...

Wow they look so cute. I will have to learn to use my sewing machine so that I can sew some of them myself, but please enter me into your draw, too.

Unknown said...

hi, cute bag!!!
my mom and I use (9) reusable bags for our groceries and use at other stores too. my contest entry
bye for now, MaryLynn

Zipperhead said...

I'd love to enter! I have read a lot recently on the damage plastic bags do to our plant in the long term and was completely disgusted. I had no idea it was as horrid as it is.

Thank you for what you are doing.


Brain Surgery patient blog

Sondra said...

You would love! I am enjoyin' yer blog so much! (((((HUGS)))) sandi

Stays happy if you let her crochet said...


I don't sew. I have a sewing maching but for some reason I am terrified of it. However, I do crochet like a mad woman!

After seeing your T-shirt instructions on your blog, I emailed all my friends and called the ones without emails. Now I'm cutting T-shirts for rugs and placemats. At first, my kids thought I was crazy. Now, they are calling their friends asking for T-shirts. I am saving all the trimmings I can't use for stuffing in other projects.

I have a tub full of plastic bags. My next cutting job will be those.

I love your ideas and have found them to be very helpful. You took a boring task of cutting T-shirts and made it easy. Thanks for all you do here sharing your ideas!


Scarlet said...

What a great idea. I wish I could sew as well as knit. I only have the crochet bug in me. :)


2 Dachsies said...

Please enter me

sheep#100 said...

What a great idea! I've been hooking string bags over on my blog.

Robin (RsIslandCrafts) said...

I love using cloth bags instead of plastic. I bought a bunch until I could make some of my own. Yours looks great!

Rose said...

wow I am a beginner in sewing but would love to try my hand at this bag for sure, and win one too is great, I love using bags over paper and plastic and save all my plastic just for making bags too.
Keep up the great work and the green bag lady is awesome too so love her site...
thank you for making a difference in our mother earth..
Rose NH

Unknown said...

What a GREAT Idea! Even if i do not win, i will try to make a few for my friends.. Thanks Vicki Meyer

evergreenknits said...

Those bags look terrific! And your whole blog is much appreciated -- very informative and interesting.

I put a post up about your contest at WiKnit, which is a knitting contest blog I run. Hopefully it'll send a few folks your way.

You might be interested in another website I started, called Green Knitter, that's all about eco-friendly yarns and green values. I really like the idea of recycling t-shirts and will put a link to your tutorial next time I do an update!

Anonymous said...

please enter me in your bag give away..thanks! I visited the green bag lady site yesterday. what an amazing woman. Peggy

Jeanne said...

Thanks for the giveaway of the green bags. I've been meaning to make some.

Anonymous said...

Oh I would love a bag from a stashbuster! And it is really GREEN if made from your stash. Jana from WA

Unknown said...

I am making an attempt at not getting any more plastic or paper bags when I go shopping. I either ask for no bag or take my reusable one's from Trader Joe's. It's a hard habit to break, but one that I strive to break every day!

Erin said...

What beautiful bags. I need to make some! erinknitnotquit on Ravelry

Samsara said...

I try to use reuseable bags as much as possible but mine are wearing out and I don't have the time to make any more at the moment, so I'd love to be entered for your competition please :-)

Anonymous said...

please enter me in your contest. I love thoese bags.

Knitting Rose said...

We have been going green and I have been knitting bags for the grocery store - but it takes forever!! (or it seems like it)...
I never thought about sewing them (but since I don't sew...)
Great encouragement!! I will also try to make some from old T-shirts!

Theresa said...


What a great idea! If I knew how to sew I'd make some too! I've bought some of the store ones but they are soooo BORING hehehe. I've crocheted one but its so heavy. So I might have to try and learn!

Thanks as always for the great blog and great patterns and ideas!

Crochet hugs,

teabird said...

Please enter me! I've been collecting green bags from all over. They're in my car, my purse, my desk drawer...

thank you!

Michele P. said...

Unfortunately, I don't sew (it has to do with 7th grade Home Ec class, a pillow and a sewing machine controlled by a foot pedal and my hand, 'nuff said) but working in Energy Assistance I am well aware of how we need to be active in recycling, looking for alternate sources of heat, and care for our environment so that it is still around for our own kids and their kids to enjoy. I've seen these bags at stores but haven't gotten around to buying one yet, but we go to the farmers market every Thursday and they keep reminding me to bring a fabric bag! Thanks for having such a neat contest, and I learned a few new things today from your blog.

Darcys Knotty Knitter said...

Please enter me also. What a thoughtful insentive to go green and help our environment. also please go to my blog and help me celebrate my 200th blog post:)Hugs Darcy

Bianca said...

It sure reminds me to use my bags more often...for the good cause.

Anonymous said...

Nice to see people trying to do things for our mother earth. Not using plastic bags plus using up fabric that might be put in the garbarage is a wonderful idea.
thanks for doing this.
Sylvia K

Karen said...

Enter me in for the green bag. I have been wanting one and yours are wonderful. My only green thing I do it take back the plastic bags and have them recycled. If I had a green bag I wouldn't need to even do that.

Kenyetta said...

Please enter me, I need motivation to get rid of the pile in my kitchen!

Tabitha the KnittingJourneyman said...

please enter my name in the contest too
I can never have enough bags--every time I make one--sew, knit, crochet, even BUY one one child or sibling comes and steals it--my dad swiped about 4 of my knitted ones the other day! I can't keep up with the thieves! :-)
thanks for offering them

Turtle said...

That is incredibly generous of you! i knit one but it was such a pain it is good for those stops at the market where you only need 2-4 goodies!Our bags disappeared during our last move! Your bags look great! off to checfk out the green lady as well. (see hubby, being green is a good thing now. hubby always thought i was just an ol hippie!)

Anonymous said...

Deb; What a wonderful idea... I have bought some "green" bags at my local supermarket,
but making them out of recycled plastic bags
is a hoot, then I can give them out at the
supermarket to the senior ladies (of which I
am certainly one) and they can reuse them
without paying the price of the "greens".
Thank you so much for the instructions.

jacholm said...

Hi Deb well done to you for thinking green, if we all help a little that add to a lot!!

West Aust

Anonymous said...

I would love to be entered into your contest! We're trying to use less plastic but our shopping trips to the grocery are usually larger than we can fit into the bags we already have.

Thank you for your info on Plarn!

JackieCastsOn Ravelry

Erin said...

Yea! I keep meaning to get more bags. I keep meaning to knit some bags, but I'm such a slow knitter. CSA season is upon me, though, and I'm going to have to get busy and come up with a way to transport those veggies.

Anonymous said...

Your bag looks great!

Sandy said...

Beautiful the pattern posted anywhere as I would love to make some to share with others...or perhaps you will choose me to receive one of yours and I can copy it from that.

I have just gotten back into sewing after a long hiatus and am working to learn to work beyond my quilting and craft projects of the past. Clothing sewing is a current priority as I don't like the styles, colors or the fact that purchasing clothing from most stores means I am supporting foreign economies much more than my own.

I've bookmarked your blog and look forward to following more of your projects...keep up the good work.


knitmomma said...

Cute bags! Thanks for the pattern, I think I have some fabric to try to make a few. I would love to win one of your, too, though!

Katie O said...

I think I need to go green... i am seeing more and more people doing it... In australia, everyone has recyclable bags... hardly anyone uses plastic... its kind of refreshing!! Makes us in the U.S. look like we waste a lot! i need to do my part!

Becky said...

I am hopeing to make some from yarn once I can get some more yarn, I love them and they work on so many lvls. please enter me.

Anonymous said...

I think that this is a very good idea and I would love to win one. I have bought a few but they are for cold things with some kind of lining,. Is there a pattern somewhere. I know that I saw some bags at WalMart that they are charging ten dollars, I cannot afford that.
Mary Carnduff

Sarah said...

Looks like a great bag and great for the environment!

Aunt Kathy said...

Love the going green theme. Count me in too and I will link you on my blog as well.

evvy garrett said...

I recycle my plastic store bags, but AM trying to get enough 'green' bags to be usefull. I have two, but one is really small. So would love to have one of these!

evvy garrett said...

I recycle my plastic bags, but am trying to go 'green'. Would really like to have one of these lovely bags...


Please enter me- I really want to do this and would feel obligated if I were using a bag someone else had made and sent to me!!!

Already visited the green lady and I'll send her link t other folks as well.

rainberry said...

Those bags are neat. I knit myself a market bag in April. :)

Christy said...

What a wonderful idea for a contest and a cool prize!

I'll post on my blog.

Me, Myself, and I said...

Nice bags! I really need to get my sewing machine fixed.

MOLLY said...

Wow Deb i am always amazed at your talent, you have done it again makes me wish i could sew.

Anonymous said...

I love cloth grocery bags!! Not only do I not have to toss the yucky disposable ones, but they hold so much more and are so durable! I have a few, but really need to get more. Just haven't had the chance yet.

Wendy said...

I did not know about this blog of yours...I love your other one, and now this as well...You gae me some wonderful ideas, here I have been wanting to sew for my kids, they need clothes and no money, well I do have LOTS of sheets, that do not fit my bed...I get most all of my yarn from donations, other wise I would not be able to do what I do...I have made the PLARN bags, but none sewn. I too, think I need to go green. I want my children to have a great planet, not have to try to clean up after us. I tried to get some cloth diapers for my son, and so wish I had done my research before I had my children and went with cloth BEFORE now I do not have the finances to even buy material to make him some, and what I do have would not work for diapers.
You are such an inspiration, and give me the push to do so much more.
Big Hugs..........

undeadgoat said...

I'd like to enter--and also learn to sew, but that will take more time than I have right now.

kasiaiscarly said...

You can never have too many reusable bags! Great contest :)

Anonymous said...

I love your bags. I've been meaning to make myself a couple, but yours would give me a startup to start using them. Please enter me in your drawing.